Guiding Principles for Data Infrastructure

So you want to build a data lake... Where do you start? What building blocks are available? How can you integrate your data with the rest of the organization?

This document is intended for a few different audiences. Data consumers within Mozilla will gain a better understanding of the data they interact with by learning how the Firefox telemetry pipeline functions. Mozilla teams outside of Firefox will get some concrete guidance about how to provision and lay out data in a way that will let them integrate with the rest of Mozilla. Technical audiences outside Mozilla will learn some general principles and come away with links to concrete examples of code implementing those principles.

Considering that Mozilla has chosen GCP as its major cloud provider, BigQuery stands out as the clear integration point for data at rest among GCP's portfolio of products. BigQuery has proven to be a best-in-class data warehouse with impressive performance and a familiar SQL interface. Beyond that, it provides many conveniences that become important when scaling across an organization such as automated retention policies and well-defined access controls that can be provisioned across projects to allow different teams to have control over their own data.

Data can be loaded into BigQuery or presented as external tables through a growing list of Google-provided integrations (objects in GCS, logs in Stackdriver, etc.). Users within Mozilla can also take advantage of purpose-built infrastructure that other teams within the company have used for loading data to BigQuery. The major example is our telemetry ingestion system which accepts payloads from Firefox clients across the world but also provides a generic interface for defining custom schemas and accepting payloads from any system capable of making an HTTP request. We also have tooling available for transforming data (ETL) once it's in BigQuery.

Once data is accessible through BigQuery, users within Mozilla also get the benefit of leveraging common tools for data access. Beyond the Google-provided BigQuery console, Mozilla provides access to instances of Redash, Looker, and other tools either with connections to BigQuery already available or with concrete instructions for provisioning connections.

Some near real-time use cases can be handled via BigQuery as well, with BigQuery supporting dozens of batch loads per table per hour and even streaming inserts. For true latency-sensitive applications, however, we pass data via Cloud Pub/Sub, GCP's hosted messaging backend. Pub/Sub integrates very closely with Cloud Dataflow to provide auto-scaling pipelines with relatively little setup needed. We can also easily provision topics for subsets of data flowing through the telemetry pipeline as input for custom streaming applications.

To avoid getting too abstract, we'll next dive into a case study of what it looked like for a team within Mozilla to migrate from a custom pipeline to the main GCP-based pipeline that supports telemetry data. From there, we'll discuss specific best practice recommendations for use of each of the major GCP services in use at Mozilla.

Integrating with the Data Pipeline: A Case Study

Mozilla's core data platform has been built to support structured ingestion of arbitrary JSON payloads whether they come from browser products on client devices or from server-side applications that have nothing to do with Firefox; any team at Mozilla can hook into structured ingestion by defining a schema and registering it with pipeline. Once a schema is registered, everything else is automatically provisioned, from an HTTPS endpoint for accepting payloads to a set of tables in BigQuery for holding the processed data.

Over the course of 2019, the Activity Stream team migrated analytics for Firefox Desktop's New Tab page from a custom service to the core data platform. The old system already relied on sending JSON data over HTTP, so the team wanted to minimize client-side development effort by maintaining the existing payload structure. They registered the structure of these payloads by sending pull requests to our schema repository with relevant JSON Schema definitions. As an example, mozilla-pipeline-schemas#228 adds a new document namespace activity-stream and under that a document type impression-stats with version specified as 1. These changes are picked up by an automated job that translates them into relevant BigQuery schemas and provisions tables for each unique schema (see Defining Tables below).

With the schema now registered with the pipeline, clients can send payloads to an endpoint corresponding to the new namespace, document type, and version:<document_id>

where <document_id> should be a UUID that uniquely identifies the payload; document_id is used within the pipeline for deduplication of repeated documents. The payload is processed by a small edge service that returns a 200 response to the client and publishes the message to a raw Pub/Sub topic. A decoder Dataflow job reads from this topic with low latency, validates that the payload matches the schema registered for the endpoint, does some additional metadata processing, and then emits the message back to Pub/Sub in a decoded topic. A final job reads the decoded topic, batches together records destined for the same table, and loads the records into the relevant live ping table in BigQuery (activity_stream_live.impression_stats_v1 in this case). A nightly job reads all records for the previous day from the live ping table, deduplicates the records based on document_id values, and loads the final deduplicated day to the relevant historical ping table (activity_stream_stable.impression_stats_v1). The results are automatically presented to users through a view (activity_stream.impression_stats).

While most analysis use cases for this data are served via queries on the user-facing BigQuery view, the Pocket team also needed to build an application with access to activity-stream messages in real-time. To serve that need, Pocket provisioned a Pub/Sub topic in a separate GCP project and worked with Data Operations to provide write access to a relevant service account within the telemetry pipeline. The pipeline is now configured to republish all messages associated with the activity-stream namespace to Pocket's topic, and this has been able to serve their real-time needs.


While the Activity Stream case study above serves as an encouraging example of the flexibility of the pipeline to accept custom payloads, we hope to insulate most data producers from having to interact directly with HTTP requests and JSON Schema definitions at all. The state of the art for analytics at Mozilla is Glean, a set of projects that reimagines the end-to-end experience of reporting and consuming analytics data.

Glean sits on top of structured ingestion, but provides helpful abstractions — instead of building JSON payloads and making HTTP requests, your application declares logical metrics and makes calls to a generated SDK idiomatic to your application's language. Support exists not only for a wide range of language SDKs but also for a variety of prebuilt reporting tools that understand Glean schemas such that your application's metrics are automatically processed and presented.

All new use cases for producing analytics payloads within Mozilla should consider Glean first. If a mature Glean SDK is available for your project's language, building on top of Glean promises maintainable reporting code for your application and data that can be more richly understood by the full ecosystem of analytics tools at Mozilla.

Structured Ingestion

We discussed the overall shape of Mozilla's structured ingestion system and how to integrate with it in the case study earlier in this article, so this section will be brief.

When you choose to build on top of structured ingestion, whether using the Glean SDK or by registering custom named schemas, consider the following concerns which are automatically handled for you:

  • Validation of payloads against a JSON schema; messages failing validation are routed to an errors table in BigQuery where they can be monitored and backfilled if necessary.
  • Geo lookup using a GeoIP database; geo-city information is presented as metadata, allowing the pipeline to discard source IP addresses to protect user privacy.
  • User agent parsing; major user agent features are extracted and presented as metadata, allowing the pipeline to discard the raw user agent string to protect user privacy.
  • Extraction of client-level identifiers as metadata to use for generating a sample_id field and to support automated deletion of data upon user request.
  • Deduplication of messages; we provide best-effort deduplication for output Pub/Sub topics and full deduplication within each UTC day in the historical ping tables in BigQuery.

If you have doubts about whether structured ingestion is appropriate for your use case, please reach out to the Data Platform team and we can consult on current and planned features for the pipeline.


BigQuery is the standard choice within Mozilla's environment for storing structured data for non-real time analysis. It is especially well suited to large and diverse organizations because of its access controls and full separation between storage and compute infrastructure. Different teams within Mozilla can provision BigQuery tables in separate GCP projects, retaining full control over how they ingest data and how they grant access to other teams. Once access is granted, though, it becomes trivial to write queries that join data across projects.

Defining tables

BigQuery tables can express complex nested structures via compound STRUCT types and REPEATED fields. It's possible to model arbitrary JSON payloads as BigQuery tables, but there are limitations to JSON modeling that are well-described in BigQuery's documentation.

We have developed tooling for translating JSON schemas into BigQuery table schemas along with some conversion code to transform payloads to match the final structure needed in BigQuery. One major example is map types; when the number of possible keys is finite, they can be baked into the schema to present the map as a BigQuery STRUCT type, but free-form maps have to be modeled in BigQuery as a repeated STRUCT of keys and values. This is one case where we have chosen to follow the same conventions that BigQuery itself uses for converting complex Avro types to BigQuery fields, which requires modifying the JSON payload to convert

{ "key1": "value1", "key2": "value2" }


[ { "key": "key1", "value": "value1" }, { "key": "key2", "value": "value2" } ]

For more detail on how the data pipeline prepares schemas and translates payloads, see the jsonschema-transpiler project which is used by mozilla-schema-generator.

How to get data into BigQuery

Google provides a variety of methods for loading data into BigQuery as discussed in their Introduction to Loading Data. The traditional path for loading data is a custom application that uses a Google Cloud SDK to stage objects in GCS and then issue BigQuery load jobs, but there is also a growing list of more fully managed integrations for loading data. It is also possible to present views into data stored in other Google services without loading via external tables.

If you already have well-structured data being produced to Stackdriver or GCS, it may be minimal effort to set up BigQuery Transfer Service to import that data or even to modify your existing server application to additionally issue BigQuery load jobs. For relational data in Cloud SQL instances, we can pull data into BigQuery via federated queries.

And don't forget about the possibility of hooking into the core telemetry pipeline through structured ingestion as discussed earlier.

If you have a more complex processing need that doesn't fit into an existing server application, you may want to consider building your application as a Dataflow pipeline (discussed further down in this document). Dataflow provides a unified model for batch and streaming processing and includes a variety of high-level I/O modules for reading from and writing to Google services such as BigQuery.

For getting data of 3rd party services into BigQuery, consider using Fivetran. Fivetran offers some pre-defined connectors to import data from external APIs, but also allows for custom connectors to be created.

Time-based partitioning and data retention in BigQuery

BigQuery provides built-in support for rolling time-based retention at the dataset and table level. For the telemetry pipeline, we have chosen to partition nearly all of our tables based on the date we receive the payloads at our edge servers. Most tables will contain a field named submission_timestamp or submission_date that BigQuery automatically uses to control the assignment of rows to partitions as they are loaded.

Full day partitions are the fundamental unit we use for all backfill and ETL activities and BigQuery provides convenient support for operating on discrete partitions. In particular, BigQuery jobs can be configured to specify an individual partition as the destination for output (using a partition decorator looks like telemetry_stable.main_v4$20191201), allowing processing to be idempotent.

Partitions can also be used as the unit for data retention. For the telemetry pipeline, we have long retention periods only for the historical ping tables (e.g. telemetry_stable.main_v4) and downstream derived tables (e.g. telemetry_derived.clients_daily_v6). Storing intermediate data for long periods can be expensive and expose risk, so all of the intermediate tables including the live ping tables (e.g. telemetry_live.main_v4) have partition-based expiration such that partitions older than 30 days are automatically cleaned up. This policy balances cost efficiency with the need for a window where we can recover from errors in the pipeline.

The telemetry pipeline is building support for accepting deletion-request pings from users and purging rows associated with those users via scheduled jobs. Such a mechanism can be helpful in addressing policy and business requirements, so the same considerations should be applied to custom applications storing messages that contain user identifiers.

Access controls in BigQuery

BigQuery's main access controls can be specified at the dataset or individual table level.

You can also publish SQL views which are essentially prebuilt queries that are presented alongside tables in BigQuery. View logic is executed at query time, so views take up no space and users are subject to the same access controls when querying a view as they would be querying the underlying tables themselves; a query will fail if the user does not have read access to all of the datasets accessed in the view.

Views, however, can also be authorized so that specific groups of users can run queries who would not normally be allowed to read the underlying tables. This allows view authors to provide finer-grained controls and to hide specific columns or rows. Note that BigQuery also more recently supports column-level access controls for tables, so this is another option for more granular control.


Google Cloud Pub/Sub is the standard choice within Mozilla's environment for transferring data between systems in real-time. It shares many of the same benefits as BigQuery in terms of being fully hosted, scalable, and well-integrated with the rest of the GCP environment, particularly when it comes to access controls.

We use Pub/Sub as the messaging backbone for the telemetry ingestion system and we can easily provision new Pub/Sub topics containing republished subsets of the telemetry data for other systems to hook into. We have support for either producing messages into an external topic controlled by a different team or for provisioning a new topic within the telemetry infrastructure and granting read access to individual service accounts as needed.

Pub/Sub is the clear integration point with the telemetry system for any application that is concerned with up-to-the-minute latency. For applications that only need to see periodic recent views of telemetry data, be aware that live ping tables (i.e. telemetry_live.main_v4) in BigQuery are also an option. New data is loaded into those tables throughout the day either on a 10 minute cadence or as they arrive via streaming inserts to BigQuery. Please contact us if there's a subset of data you'd like us to consider opting in for streaming inserts.


Google Cloud Dataflow is a service for running data processing applications using the Apache Beam SDKs in both batch and streaming modes. Understanding the Beam programming model requires a certain amount of developer investment, but Beam provides powerful abstractions for data transformations like windowed joins that are difficult to implement reliably by hand.

The Dataflow jobs in use by the data platform actually don't require complex joins or windowing features, but we have found Beam's I/O abstractions useful for being able to adapt a single code base to handle reading from and writing to a variety of data stores. Dataflow also provides good built-in support for auto-scaling streaming jobs based on latency and observed throughput, especially when interacting with Pub/Sub. That said, the I/O abstractions allow only limited control over performance and we have found the need to replace some of our Dataflow jobs with custom applications running on GKE — particularly the jobs focused on batching together messages from Pub/Sub and sinking to GCS or BigQuery.

Beam's BigQueryIO module requires shuffling data several times when writing, checkpointing the intermediate state to local disk. This incurs expense for provisioning local solid state drives to handle the checkpointing throughput and introduces the possibility of data loss on unclean shutdown since messages have to be acknowledged back to Pub/Sub at the time data is first checkpointed rather than when it is finally written to BigQuery. We were able to achieve lower cost and more straight-forward delivery guarantees by writing a custom application using the Google Cloud Java SDK. We still use a streaming Dataflow job for the decoder step of the pipeline since no checkpointing is needed for a simple job that both reads from and writes to Pub/Sub. We also rely on Dataflow batch jobs for all backfill activities.

If your team has streaming needs where Dataflow makes sense, be aware that the Data Operations team can provide operational support to help you launch and manage pipelines.

Derived Data and Airflow

The structure in which data is ingested to BigQuery is often not the most convenient or efficient structure for analysis queries, so it is often necessary to provide logical views of the data to support users. Our interface for defining such views is the bigquery-etl repository which provides instructions for how to propose new tables and views by sending pull requests containing SQL queries.

We use BigQuery views heavily to improve the usability of raw data and we recommend that you do too! As discussed in the BigQuery Access Controls section above, views take up no storage resources and are essentially reusable snippets that appear like tables, but the underlying logic is executed every time a user queries a view. For simple cases like renaming fields or unnesting array columns, a view is often the right choice as it can be defined once and requires no ongoing scheduling or maintenance.

If, however, you want to provide users with a view that involves joins or aggregations that hit a great deal of data, you may find that queries slow down and become expensive. In those cases, it may be better to materialize the results of the view into a derived table. See the Scheduling BigQuery Queries in Airflow cookbook for a walk-through of how to define a query in bigquery-etl and get it scheduled to run nightly on the data platform's Airflow instance.

Final Thoughts

While no single data architecture can meet all needs, the core pipeline at Mozilla has been built with flexibility in mind. We have a growing list of success cases and some major projects in the works to migrate legacy pipelines to the system — these are good indicators that we are meeting a broad set of needs for the majority data warehousing use case and that we provide a stable ingestion system for streaming applications as well.

GCP's roster of services is fairly well-focused compared to other cloud providers, but it can still be overwhelming to sort through the available options, particularly where multiple services seem to occupy the same space. Consult the unofficial GCP flowcharts for a broad view of how to sort through the features of services that apply to different problem domains. We encourage the use of BigQuery, Pub/Sub, and Dataflow as core building blocks for custom data applications across Mozilla for ease of access control across projects and for leveraging shared knowledge about how to operate and integrate with those services. Possibilities in the cloud can seem endless, but the more we can standardize architectural approaches across the company, the better prepared we will be to collaborate across product teams and ultimately the better positioned we will be to realize our mission. Let's work together to keep individuals empowered, safe, and independent on the Internet.