Main Summary (deprecated)

Since the introduction of BigQuery, we are able to represent the full main ping structure in a table, available as telemetry.main. As such, main_summary was discontinued as of 2023-10-05.

The main_summary table contains one row for each ping. Each column represents one field from the main ping payload, though only a subset of all main ping fields are included. This dataset does not include most histograms.

This table is massive, and due to its size, it can be difficult to work with.

Instead, we recommend using the clients_daily or clients_last_seen dataset where possible.

If you do need to query this table, make use of the sample_id field and limit to a short submission date range.

Table of Contents

Accessing the Data

The main_summary table is accessible through STMO. See STMO#4201 for an example.

Data Reference

Example Queries

Compare the search volume for different search source values:

WITH search_data AS ( SELECT s.source AS search_source, s.count AS search_count FROM telemetry.main_summary CROSS JOIN UNNEST(search_counts) AS s WHERE submission_date_s3 = '2019-11-11' AND sample_id = 42 AND search_counts IS NOT NULL ) SELECT search_source, sum(search_count) as total_searches FROM search_data GROUP BY search_source ORDER BY sum(search_count) DESC


The main_summary dataset contains one record for each main ping as long as the record contains a non-null value for documentId, submissionDate, and Timestamp. We do not ever expect nulls for these fields.


This dataset is updated daily via the telemetry-airflow infrastructure. The DAG is defined in dags/


As of 2019-11-28, the current version of the main_summary dataset is v4.

For more detail on where these fields come from in the raw data, please look in the main_summary ETL code.

Most of the fields are simple scalar values, with a few notable exceptions:

  • The search_count field is an array of structs, each item in the array representing a 3-tuple of (engine, source, count). The engine field represents the name of the search engine against which the searches were done. The source field represents the part of the Firefox UI that was used to perform the search. It contains values such as abouthome, urlbar, and searchbar. The count field contains the number of searches performed against this engine+source combination during that subsession. Any of the fields in the struct may be null (for example if the search key did not match the expected pattern, or if the count was non-numeric).
  • The loop_activity_counter field is a simple struct containing inner fields for each expected value of the LOOP_ACTIVITY_COUNTER Enumerated Histogram. Each inner field is a count for that histogram bucket.
  • The popup_notification_stats field is a map of String keys to struct values, each field in the struct being a count for the expected values of the POPUP_NOTIFICATION_STATS Keyed Enumerated Histogram.
  • The places_bookmarks_count and places_pages_count fields contain the mean value of the corresponding Histogram, which can be interpreted as the average number of bookmarks or pages in a given subsession.
  • The active_addons field contains an array of structs, one for each entry in the environment.addons.activeAddons section of the payload. More detail in Bug 1290181.
  • The disabled_addons_ids field contains an array of strings, one for each entry in the payload.addonDetails which is not already reported in the environment.addons.activeAddons section of the payload. More detail in Bug 1390814. Please note that while using this field is generally OK, this was introduced to support the TAAR project and you should not count on it in the future. The field can stay in the main_summary, but we might need to slightly change the ping structure to something better than payload.addonDetails.
  • The theme field contains a single struct in the same shape as the items in the active_addons array. It contains information about the currently active browser theme.
  • The user_prefs field contains a struct with values for preferences of interest.
  • The events field contains an array of event structs.
  • Dynamically-included histogram fields are present as key->value maps, or key->(key->value) nested maps for keyed histograms.

Time formats

Columns in main_summary may use one of a handful of time formats with different precisions:

Column NameOriginDescriptionExampleSparkPresto
timestampstamped at ingestionnanoseconds since epoch1504689165972861952from_unixtime(timestamp/1e9)from_unixtime(timestamp/1e9)
submission_date_s3derived from timestampYYYYMMDD date string of timestamp in UTC20170906from_unixtime(unix_timestamp(submission_date, 'yyyyMMdd'))date_parse(submission_date, '%Y%m%d')
client_submission_datederived from HTTP header: Fields[Date]HTTP date header string sent with the pingTue, 27 Sep 2016 16:28:23 GMTunix_timestamp(client_submission_date, 'EEE, dd M yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz')date_parse(substr(client_submission_date, 1, 25), '%a, %d %b %Y %H:%i:%s')
creation_datecreationDatetime of ping creation ISO8601 at UTC+02017-09-06T08:21:36.002Zto_timestamp(creation_date, "yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSSXXX")from_iso8601_timestamp(creation_date) AT TIME ZONE 'GMT'
timezone_offsetinfo.timezoneOffsettimezone offset in minutes120
subsession_start_dateinfo.subsessionStartDatehourly precision, ISO8601 date in local time2017-09-06T00:00:00.0+02:00from_iso8601_timestamp(subsession_start_date) AT TIME ZONE 'GMT'
subsession_lengthinfo.subsessionLengthsubsession length in seconds599date_add('second', subsession_length, subsession_start_date)
profile_creation_dateenvironment.profile.creationDatedays since epoch15,755from_unixtime(profile_creation_date * 86400)

User Preferences

These are added in the Main Summary ETL code. They must be available in the ping environment to be included here.

Once added, they will show as top-level fields, with the string user_pref prepended. For example, dom.ipc.processCount becomes user_pref_dom_ipc_processcount.

Code Reference

This dataset is generated by bigquery-etl. Refer to this repository for information on how to run or augment the dataset.