mobile_search_clients_engines_sources_daily is designed to enable client-level search analyses for mobile. Querying this dataset can be slow; consider using mobile_search_aggregates for coarse analyses.


mobile_search_clients_engines_sources_daily has one row for each unique combination of: (client_id, submission_date, engine, source).

Alongside standard search metrics, this dataset includes client specific descriptive information as well. For example, we include normalized_app_name and normalized_app_name_os for each row of data. normalized_app_name modifies the raw app_name data to align it more consistently with KPI reporting while normalized_app_name_os combines app name and os used by each client. Refer to the table below for comprehensive mapping details regarding these two fields.

FenixAndroidFirefox AndroidFirefox
FennecOtherFennec OtherFennec
FennecAndroidLegacy Firefox AndroidFennec
FenneciOSFirefox iOSFirefox
Firefox PreviewAndroidFirefox PreviewFirefox Preview
FirefoxConnectAndroidFirefox for Echo ShowFirefox for Echo Show
FirefoxForFireTVAndroidFirefox for FireTVFirefox for FireTV
Focus Android GleanAndroidFocus AndroidFocus
Focus iOS GleaniOSFocus iOSFocus
Klar Android GleanAndroidKlar AndroidKlar
Klar iOS GleaniOSKlar iOSKlar
OtheriOSOther iOSOther
OtherAndroidOther AndroidOther
ZerdaAndroidFirefox Lite AndroidFirefox Lite
Zerda_cnAndroidFirefox Lite Android (China)Firefox Lite (China)

Note that, if there were no such searches in a row's segment (i.e. the count would be 0), the column value is null. Each of these columns represent different types of searches. For more details, see the search data documentation

Background and Caveats

mobile_search_clients_engines_sources_daily does not include (client_id submission_date) pairs if we did not receive a ping for that submission_date.

We impute a NULL engine and source for pings with no search counts. This ensures users who never search are included in this dataset.

This dataset is large. If you're querying this dataset from STMO, heavily limit the data you read using submission_date or sample_id.