Clients Last Seen Reference


The clients_last_seen dataset is useful for efficiently determining exact user counts such as DAU and MAU. It can also allow efficient calculation of other windowed usage metrics like retention via its bit pattern fields. It includes the most recent values in a 28 day window for all columns in the clients_daily dataset.


For each submission_date this dataset contains one row per client_id that appeared in clients_daily in a 28 day window including submission_date and preceding days.

The days_since_seen column indicates the difference between submission_date and the most recent submission_date in clients_daily where the client_id appeared. A client observed on the given submission_date will have days_since_seen = 0.

Other days_since_ columns use the most recent date in clients_daily where a certain condition was met. If the condition was not met for a client_id in a 28 day window NULL is used. For example days_since_visited_5_uri uses the condition scalar_parent_browser_engagement_total_uri_count_sum >= 5. These columns can be used for user counts where a condition must be met on any day in a window instead of using the most recent values for each client_id.

The days_seen_bits field stores the daily history of a client in the 28 day window. The daily history is converted into a sequence of bits, with a 1 for the days a client is in clients_daily and a 0 otherwise, and this sequence is converted to an integer. A tutorial on how to use these bit patterns to create filters in SQL can be found in this notebook.

The rest of the columns use the most recent value in clients_daily where the client_id appeared.

Background and Caveats

User counts generated using days_since_seen only reflect the most recent values from clients_daily for each client_id in a 28 day window. This means Active MAU as defined cannot be efficiently calculated using days_since_seen because if a given client_id appeared every day in February and only on February 1st had scalar_parent_browser_engagement_total_uri_count_sum >= 5 then it would only be counted on the 1st, and not the 2nd-28th. Active MAU can be efficiently and correctly calculated using days_since_visited_5_uri.

MAU can be calculated over a GROUP BY submission_date[, ...] clause using COUNT(*), because there is exactly one row in the dataset for each client_id in the 28 day MAU window for each submission_date.

User counts generated using days_since_seen can use SUM to reduce groups, because a given client_id will only be in one group per submission_date. So if MAU were calculated by country and channel, then the sum of the MAU for each country would be the same as if MAU were calculated only by channel.

Accessing the Data

The data is available in Re:dash and BigQuery. Take a look at this full running example query in Re:dash (STMO#159510).

Data Reference

Field Descriptions

The *_bits fields store the relevant activity of a client in a 28 day window, as a 28 bit integer. For each bit, a 1 corresponds to the specific activity occurring on that day.

Activity Segment/User State/Core Active Specific

Please see this section for descriptions regarding user states/segments.

  • is_core_active_v1: Boolean indicating if the client satisfies conditions of being core active on that day.
  • activity_segments_v1: The activity segment applicable to the client that day.
  • is_regular_user_v3: Boolean indicating if the client satisfies conditions of being a regular user on that day.
  • is_new_or_resurrected_v3: Boolean indicating if the client satisfies conditions of being a regular user on that day.
  • is_weekday_regular_v1: Boolean indicating if the client satisfies conditions of being a weekday regular user on that day.
  • is_allweek_regular_v1: Boolean indicating if the client satisfies conditions of being an all-week regular user on that day.

Usage Specific

  • days_visited_1_uri_bits: Each bit field represents if a client browsed at least 1 URI on that day.
  • days_since_visited_1_uri: Number of days since the client browsed at least 1 URI.
  • days_interacted_bits: Each bit field represents if a client had at least 1 active tick on that day. This is derived from the active_hours_sum in clients_daily.
  • days_since_interacted: Number of days since the clients had at least 1 active tick.
  • days_had_8_active_ticks_bits: Each bit field represents if a client had at least 8 active ticks on that day. This can be used to approximate the threshold of 1 URI, and is useful for determining activity for clients using Private Browsing Mode where URI counts are not recorded.
  • days_since_visited_8_active_ticks: Number of days since the client had at least 8 active ticks.

New Profile Specific

  • first_seen_date: Date the client sent their first main ping.
  • second_seen_date: Date the client sent their first main ping.
  • days_since_first_seen: Number of days since first_seen_date
  • days_since_second_seen: Number of days since second_seen_date
  • new_profile_5_day_activated_v1: Boolean indicating if a new profile has sent a ping 5 out of their first 7 days.
  • new_profile_14_day_activated_v1: Boolean indicating if a new profile has sent a ping 8 out of their first 14 days.
  • new_profile_21_day_activated_v1: Boolean indicating if a new profile has sent a ping 12 out of their first 21 days.
  • days_since_created_profile: Number of days since the profile creation date. This field is only populated when the value is 27 days or less. Otherwise, it is NULL. profile_age_in_days can be used in the latter cases for all clients who have a profile creation date.

Example Queries

Compute DAU for non-windows clients for the last week

SELECT submission_date, os, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mozdata.telemetry.clients_last_seen WHERE submission_date >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 1 WEEK) AND days_since_seen = 0 GROUP BY submission_date, os HAVING count > 10 -- remove outliers AND lower(os) NOT LIKE '%windows%' ORDER BY os, submission_date DESC

Compute WAU by Channel for the last week

SELECT submission_date, normalized_channel, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mozdata.telemetry.clients_last_seen WHERE submission_date >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 1 WEEK) AND days_since_seen < 7 GROUP BY submission_date, normalized_channel HAVING count > 10 -- remove outliers ORDER BY normalized_channel, submission_date DESC


This dataset is updated daily via the telemetry-airflow infrastructure. The job runs as part of the main_summary DAG.


The data is partitioned by submission_date.

As of 2019-03-25, the current version of the clients_last_seen dataset is v1, and the schema is visible in the BigQuery console here.

Code Reference

This dataset is generated by bigquery-etl. Refer to this repository for information on how to run or augment the dataset.