Attitudes Daily


The attitudes_daily table is a Telemetry instantiation of user responses to the Daily Attitudes Survey (DAS) over time. It is joined to clients_daily using client_id and submission_date.


Most Firefox surveys are point-in-time without longitudinal insights. The DAS is completed by ~300 Firefox users every day, allowing us to measure long term attitudinal trends combined with users' corresponding Telemetry attributes.

Accessing the Data

The attitudes_daily table is accessible through STMO using the Telemetry (BigQuery) data source. The full table name is moz-fx-data-shared-prod.telemetry.attitudes_daily.

Here's an example query (STMO#163424).

Data Reference

The DAS shows the user the following four statements, all having the same possible responses of "Agree", "Disagree" or "Neutral or not sure". Each question has an identifier in the attitudes_daily table as the question_keyfield (shown in parentheses after each statement below)

  • The internet is open and accessible to all (internet_accessible)
  • I trust Firefox to help me with my online privacy (trust_firefox)
  • All the sites I’ve visited recently have worked; none of them seem broken (sites_work)
  • Using the internet helped me meet my goals today (met_goals)

User responses are processed and mapped to their question_key's in this script, creating a table moz-fx-data-shared-prod.external.survey_gizmo_daily_attitudes which is subsequently joined to clients_daily.

Example Queries

Distribution of user responses to "The internet is open and accessible to all" over time

SELECT submission_date, value, count(DISTINCT client_id) as n FROM `moz-fx-data-shared-prod.telemetry.attitudes_daily` WHERE question_key = 'internet_accessible' AND value IS NOT NULL GROUP BY 1, 2

Distribution of responses to "I was able to get what I wanted from using the Internet today" by default search engine.

SELECT value, CASE WHEN STARTS_WITH(default_search_engine, 'google') THEN 'Google' WHEN STARTS_WITH(default_search_engine, 'ddg') THEN 'DuckDuckGo' WHEN STARTS_WITH(default_search_engine, 'bing') THEN 'Bing' ELSE 'Other' END AS search_engine, count(*) AS n FROM `moz-fx-data-shared-prod.telemetry.attitudes_daily` WHERE question_key = 'met_goals' AND value IS NOT NULL AND submission_date > DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL '7' DAY) GROUP BY 1, 2


This dataset is updated daily via the telemetry-airflow infrastructure. The job runs as part of the attitudes_daily DAG.


The data is partitioned by submission_date.

As of 2019-09-15, the current version of the attitudes_daily dataset is v1.

Code Reference

This dataset is generated by bigquery-etl. Refer to this repository for information on how to run or augment the dataset. You can view the task run status in airflow here.