Sync Summary and Sync Flat Summary Reference


Note: some of the information in this chapter is a duplication of the info found on this wiki page. You can also find more detailed information about the data contained in the sync ping here

sync_summary and sync_flat_summary are the primary datasets that track the health of sync. sync_flat_summary is derived from sync_summary by unpacking/exploding the engines field of the latter, so they ultimately contain the same data (see below).

Which dataset should I use?

Which dataset to use depends on whether you are interested in per-engine sync success or per-sync sync success (see below). If you are interested in whether a sync failed overall, regardless of which engine may have caused the failure, then you can use sync_summary. Otherwise, if you are interested in per-engine data, you should use sync_flat_summary.

If you aren't sure, or just trying to get acquainted, you should probably just use sync_flat_summary.

Data Reference

A note about user IDs

Unlike most other telemetry datasets, these do not contain the profile-level identifier client_id. Because you need to sign up for a Firefox Account in order to use sync, these datasets instead include an anonymised version of the user's Firefox Account user id uid and an anonymised version of their individual devices' device_ids. Put another way, each uid can have many associated device_ids.

Q: Why not include client_id in these datasets so that they can be joined on (e.g.) main_summary?

A: We've had a policy to keep main browser telemetry separate from sync and FxA telemetry. This is in part because FxA uids are ultimately associated with email addresses in the FxA database, and thus a breach of that database in combination with access to telemetry could in theory de-anonymise client-side browser metrics.

Which apps send sync telemetry? What about Fenix?

Currently, Firefox for desktop, Firefox for iOS and Firefox for Android (fennec) all have sync implemented, and they all send sync telemetry. Though there are some differences in the telemetry that each application sends, it all ends up in the sync_summary and sync_flat_summary datasets.

Starting with Fenix, however, sync telemetry will start to be sent through glean. This means that, in all likelihood, Fenix sync telemetry will initially be segregated from existing sync telemetry (one reason is that current sync telemetry is on AWS while glean pings are ingested to GCP).

What's an engine?

Firefox syncs many different types of browser data and (generally speaking) each one of these data types are synced by their own engine. When the app triggers a "sync" each engine makes their own determination of what needs to be synced (if anything). Many syncs can happen in a day (dozens or more on desktop, usually less on mobile). Telemetry about each sync is logged, and each sync ping (sent once a day, and whenever the user logs in or out of sync) contains information about multiple syncs. The scala code responsible for creating the sync_summary dataset unpacks each sync ping into one row per sync. The resulting engines field is an array of "engine records": data about how each engine performed during that sync. sync_flat_summary further unpacking/exploding the engines field and creates a dataset that is one row per engine record.

Existing engines (engine_name in sync_flat_summary) are listed below with brief descriptions in cases where their name isn't transparent.

Note that not every device syncs each of these engines. They can be disabled individually and some are off by default.

  • addons
  • addresses mailing addresses e.g. for e-commerce; part of form autofill.
  • bookmarks
  • clients non-user-facing list of the sync account's associated devices
  • creditcards this used to be nightly only but was recently removed entirely
  • extension-storage WebExtension storage, in support of the storage.sync WebExtension API.
  • history browsing history.
  • passwords
  • forms saved values in web forms
  • prefs not all prefs are synced
  • tabs note that this is not the same as the "send tab" feature, this is the engine that syncs the tabs you have open across your devices (used to populate the synced tabs sidebar). For data on the send-tab feature use the sync_events dataset.

Example Queries

See this dashboard to get a general sense of what this dataset is typically used for.

Here's an example of a query that will calculate the failure and success rates for a subset of engines per day.

WITH counts AS ( SELECT submission_date_s3 AS day, engine_name AS engine, COUNT(*) AS total, COUNT(CASE WHEN engine_status IS NOT NULL THEN true ELSE NULL END) AS count_errors, /* note that `engine_status` is null on sync success. */ COUNT(CASE WHEN engine_status IS NULL THEN true ELSE NULL END) AS count_success FROM telemetry.sync_flat_summary WHERE engine_name IN ('bookmarks','history','tabs','addons','addresses','passwords','prefs') AND cast(submission_date_s3 AS integer) >= 20190101 GROUP BY 1,2 ORDER BY 1 ), rates AS ( SELECT day, engine, total, count_errors, count_success, CAST(count_errors AS double) / CAST(total AS double) * 100 AS error_rate, CAST(count_success AS double) / CAST(total AS double) * 100 AS success_rate FROM counts ORDER BY 1 ) SELECT * FROM rates


Sadly, these datasets are not sampled. It should be possible to derive a sample_id on uid, however. Someone should do that because querying these datasets for long time horizons is very expensive.


This dataset was updated daily, shortly after midnight UTC. The job was scheduled on Airflow. The DAG was here.

Sync Summary Schema

root |-- app_build_id: string (nullable = true) |-- app_display_version: string (nullable = true) |-- app_name: string (nullable = true) |-- app_version: string (nullable = true) |-- app_channel: string (nullable = true) |-- uid: string |-- device_id: string (nullable = true) |-- when: integer |-- took: integer |-- why: string (nullable = true) |-- failure_reason: struct (nullable = true) | |-- name: string | |-- value: string (nullable = true) |-- status: struct (nullable = true) | |-- sync: string (nullable = true) | |-- status: string (nullable = true) |-- devices: array (nullable = true) | |-- element: struct (containsNull = false) | | |-- id: string | | |-- os: string | | |-- version: string |-- engines: array (nullable = true) | |-- element: struct (containsNull = false) | | |-- name: string | | |-- took: integer | | |-- status: string (nullable = true) | | |-- failure_reason: struct (nullable = true) | | | |-- name: string | | | |-- value: string (nullable = true) | | |-- incoming: struct (nullable = true) | | | |-- applied: integer | | | |-- failed: integer | | | |-- new_failed: integer | | | |-- reconciled: integer | | |-- outgoing: array (nullable = true) | | | |-- element: struct (containsNull = false) | | | | |-- sent: integer | | | | |-- failed: integer | | |-- validation: struct (containsNull = false) | | | |-- version: integer | | | |-- checked: integer | | | |-- took: integer | | | |-- failure_reason: struct (nullable = true) | | | | |-- name: string | | | | |-- value: string (nullable = true) | | | |-- problems: array (nullable = true) | | | | |-- element: struct (containsNull = false) | | | | | |-- name: string | | | | | |-- count: integer

Sync Flat Summary Schema

root |-- app_build_id: string (nullable = true) |-- app_display_version: string (nullable = true) |-- app_name: string (nullable = true) |-- app_version: string (nullable = true) |-- app_channel: string (nullable = true) |-- os: string |-- os_version: string |-- os_locale: string |-- uid: string |-- device_id: string (nullable = true) |-- when: integer |-- took: integer |-- failure_reason: struct (nullable = true) | |-- name: string | |-- value: string (nullable = true) |-- status: struct (nullable = true) | |-- sync: string (nullable = true) | |-- status: string (nullable = true) |-- why: string (nullable = true) |-- devices: array (nullable = true) | |-- element: struct (containsNull = false) | | |-- id: string | | |-- os: string | | |-- version: string |-- sync_id: string |-- sync_day: string |-- engine_name: string |-- engine_took: integer |-- engine_status: string (nullable = true) |-- engine_failure_reason: struct (nullable = true) | |-- name: string | |-- value: string (nullable = true) |-- engine_incoming_applied: integer (nullable = true) |-- engine_incoming_failed: integer (nullable = true) |-- engine_incoming_new_failed: integer (nullable = true) |-- engine_incoming_reconciled: integer (nullable = true) |-- engine_outgoing_batch_count: integer (nullable = true) |-- engine_outgoing_batch_total_sent: integer (nullable = true) |-- engine_outgoing_batch_total_failed: integer (nullable = true) |-- submission_date_s3: string