SERP Events

Table of Contents


The serp_events table, derived from Glean serp events, provides a source for understanding user interactions with search engine result pages (SERPs). It is structured around SERP page loads and engagements with different UI components on the SERP. This data is Desktop-only.

SERP impression model

A SERP impression consists of a SERP page load, together with any user engagements with the links and UI features displayed on the page. It starts from when the SERP is loaded. Soon after the page loads, the browser runs a scan to detect sponsored search results (i.e. ads). The user may engage with the page by clicking on a link or UI element. The SERP impression ends when the user navigates away or closes the page.

The following diagram outlines the flow through a SERP impression, along with the Glean events which are sent at different points.

Each component
User engages again?
User loads SERP
Ads loaded?
User engages?
User leaves SERP
User engages
before ad

A SERP impression is considered engaged if the user clicks at least once on a search result link or UI component (out of the ones we track). If the user leaves the SERP without engaging, the impression is considered abandoned.

Ad detection and visibility

Depending on the search provider, ads may displayed across different display components (areas of the SERP with specific UI treatments), such as inline sponsored results, a carousel showing result tiles streaming horizontally across the top, a sidebar with result tiles laid out in a grid. The ad detection procedure scans each of these components to check whether ad links are present.

Ad detection checks for ad links that are loaded, i.e. present in the DOM. Loaded ad links may or may not be visible to the user.

  • Ad links are considered visible if the user has an opportunity to see them, i.e. display properties of the DOM element containing the ad link make them visible, and they are in the area of the page showing on the user's screen.
  • They are considered blocked if the display properties of the DOM element containing the ad link appear to have been altered by an ad blocker so as to make it invisible.
  • Ad links that are neither visible nor explicitly blocked are considered not showing. These may be hidden by the SERP or outside of the area of the page the user has seen, e.g. "below the fold", or additional results in the carousel the user needs to scroll to.

Usually, if an ad blocker is in use, all loaded ads will be blocked. In such cases, we infer an ad blocker to be in use.


Measurement for SERP impressions is collected through Glean serp category events. All events include the impression_id field in their event extras, which is used to link together events associated with the same SERP impression. SERP events are only implemented for specific search engines.

When a user loads a SERP, a serp.impression event is recorded with a newly-generated impression_id, containing some top-level information about the impression and the search that led to it. Here, a "SERP impression" means a single page load, not a sequence of pages associated with the same search term (which might be called a "search session"). If the user loads Page 2 of the search results, or opens the Shopping results page, that is considered a separate SERP impression and generates a new impression_id.

When ad detection runs, a serp.ad_impression event is generated for each display component containing at least 1 loaded element. It records counts of:

  • loaded elements: ads_loaded
  • elements which are visible to the user: ads_visible
  • elements which appear to have been blocked: ads_hidden.

These counts have the following properties:

  • ads_loaded > 0
  • 0 <= ads_visible + ads_hidden <= ads_loaded
  • Usually ads_hidden = 0 or = ads_loaded.

Despite the naming prefixed by ads_, ad_impression events are also reported for certain other page components which do not contain ad links and are not monetizable, such as the shopping tab and Google's refined search buttons. For these, ads_loaded tracks whether the feature was on the page, and is either 0 or 1. For components containing ads, the counts refer to ad links.

A separate serp.engagement event is recorded each time the user clicks on one of the instrumented UI components. These include the ad components, organic links on the page, as well as certain other non-ad page components. Along with clicks on links, some components report additional engagement types, such as the Expand (right arrow) button for the carousel, or submitting a new search from the search box.

The following table summarizes impressions and engagements instrumented for the main components. Others components or engagement actions may be instrumented in the future; for the most up-to-date list, refer to the serp.ad_impression and serp.engagement event documentation.

Component Impression reported Possible engagement actions Search engines supported
Ad components ad_carousel serp.ad_impression clicked, expanded all
ad_image_row serp.ad_impression clicked all
ad_link serp.ad_impression clicked all
ad_sidebar serp.ad_impression clicked all except Ecosia
ad_sitelink serp.ad_impression clicked all
Other page components refined_search_buttons serp.ad_impression clicked, expanded Google only
shopping_tab serp.ad_impression clicked all
cookie_banner serp.ad_impression clicked_accept, clicked_reject, clicked_more_options all
incontent_searchbox None (impression assumed) clicked, submitted all
non_ads_link None (impression assumed) clicked all

If the user leaves the page without making an engagement, a serp.abandonment event is generated, indicating the reason for abandonment: navigating to a different page, or closing the tab or window.

One subtlety here is that there is no explicit signal for when an engaged SERP impression ends. The user may leave the SERP open a long time and keep clicking on different links or components. To count engagements, we need to aggregate all engagement events for that impression_id, and these may come in over some undefined period of time. We handle this by imposing a 2-day maximum SERP impression length at ETL time, as described below.

Limitations of ad impression detection

As the ad detection procedure runs at most once for a SERP impression against a snapshot of the page, ad impression and click reporting will be subject to some small systematic bias. This is important to be aware of, although no explicit correction is used at present.

As a user continues to interact with the SERP, it is possible for additional ads to become visible and for the user to engage with those. For example, if the user keeps scrolling further down the page, they may begin to see ads which were considered "not showing" by ad detection. Engagements with these ads will be recorded, but the impressions may not, meaning that the number of visible ad links may be undercounted.

There is also an edge case in which the user may click on a result before ad detection has time to complete; such impressions are reported as abandoned, and ad impressions and clicks are ignored.

However, the Legacy Telemetry ad click measurement will count all of these cases as ad clicks, since it checks links for ads at click time rather than taking a snapshot. This means that the serp events will undercount ad clicks somewhat relative to Legacy Telemetry.

The different cases are described in the following table:

Engagement targetClick reportingLink impression reporting
Non-ad componentserp.engagement for targetNo explicit reporting, impression assumed
Ad detected as visibleserp.engagement for ad componentIncluded in ads_visible count of serp.ad_impression for component
Ad detected but not visible

E.g. user scrolls to reveal an ad that was on the page but not in the visible area when ad detection was run

serp.engagement for ad componentIncluded in ads_loaded count but not ads_visible count of serp.ad_impression for component
Ad not previously detected

E.g. user scrolls down and more results are loaded automatically. Includes ads that were not on the page when ad detection was run

serp.engagement for non_ad_linkNot included in serp.ad_impression
Engagement before ad detection completedNone. A serp.abandonment is sent instead.None

Ad impressions and clicks

One of the main applications of this data is to compute ad impressions and clicks per SERP impression. As discussed above, a SERP impression may include several ad links across different display components, as well as organic links, and see multiple engagements with any of these. Depending on the use case, ad impressions and clicks may be viewed either per-component or per-SERP impression.

To count impressions and clicks, we can either count individual ads and clicks, or the number of page loads with least one ad or click. The latter is usually preferred, since the former could give CTR counts larger than 1 and is more susceptible to issues described above. The rate of individual ad impressions per component may be of interest as well.

A display component in a SERP impression is said to have:

  • an ad impression if it had at least 1 visible ad
  • a click if it had at least 1 visible ad and at least 1 click engagement.

This means that, for a given SERP impression and display component, ad impression and click are both binary 0/1 variables. CTR for ads is then defined as clicks / ad impressions, and will be between 0 and 1. We can also compute CTR for components that don't have explicit impression reporting, such as organic results, by assuming 1 impression per SERP.

Impressions, clicks, and CTR can be computed per SERP impression instead by considering an impression or click to have occurred if at least 1 display component had one.

If a component has ads loaded, and they are all hidden, an ad blocker is inferred to be in use on the component. At the SERP level, ad ad blocker is inferred to be in use if is it inferred on at least 1 ad component.

SERP events table

The mozdata.firefox_desktop.serp_events table has 1 row per SERP impression (indexed by impression_id), combining information from all serp event types recorded for that impression_id. The submission_date column gives the submission date of the serp.impression event.

Alongside impression-level fields and summaries, the table has 3 array-valued fields:

  • ad_components, with 1 entry per ad component, listing counts of impressions and engagements
  • non_ad_impressions, with 1 entry per non-ad page component, listing impression counts
  • non_ad_engagements, with 1 entry per non-ad page component and engagement type, listing engagement counts.

These arrays only include components with at least one non-zero count. For SERP impressions with no impressions or engagements, the corresponding arrays will be empty.

SERP impressions with no engagements are considered abandoned and have a non-null abandon_reason.

Ad component tagging

Tagging components as containing ads, and computing related fields such as ad_components and num_ad_clicks, is implemented at the view layer using the is_ad_component UDF.

The underlying derived table instead has 2 array-valued fields:

  • component_impressions, with 1 entry per component reported in a serp.ad_impression event
  • engagements, with 1 entry per component and engagement action reported in a serp.engagement event.

Assumptions on event sequences

We expect to see the following events reported for a given impression_id:

  • 1 serp.impression event
  • Either 1 serp.abandonment event or else 1 or more serp.engagement events
  • 0 or more serp.ad_impression events, with at most 1 per component

Impression IDs for events which don't meet these requirements are excluded from the table (this only affects a handful of impressions).

As discussed above, a user could potentially keep a SERP open in their browser for multiple days and keep recording clicks over that time, as impression IDs don't have an inherent expiration. In filling the table, we only allow events for an impression ID to span at most 2 consecutive submission dates: serp events with a submission date 2 or more days after the first submission date observed for that impression ID are ignored1. As a result, the serp_events table has a 2-day lag in its data rather than the 1-day lag present for most other datasets.

On day D, the ETL logic looks like the following:

  1. Pull all serp events with submission dates D-2 or D-1
  2. Retain event sequences (sharing a common impression_id) meeting the above requirements whose serp.impression event has submission date D-2
  3. Compute 1 row for each event sequence and insert into the table with submission date D-2.


  • The table fills at a 2-day lag: the most recent submission date in the table is 2 days ago, not yesterday.
  • Use num_ads_visible or ad_components.num_visible to count ad impressions, and num_ad_clicks or ad_components.num_clicks to count ad clicks. The table does not explicitly require num_visible > 0 when num_clicks > 0.
  • ad_component.blocker_inferred applies individually to each ad component, and a single impression_id may have different values of blocker_inferred for different components. The impression-level field ad_blocker_inferred is true if any ad component has blocker_inferred = true.
  • Ad blocker use can only be inferred when ads are loaded (which is a minority of all SERP impressions). If ads are not loaded, ad_blocker_inferred will report false, but really, there is not enough information to make a determination.
  • The array-valued fields will contain empty arrays rather than NULLs when there are no corresponding entries. For example, if a SERP impression has neither impressions nor engagements for ad components, ad_components will be [].

Example queries

Number of engaged and abandoned SERP impressions:

SELECT IF(abandon_reason IS NOT NULL, 'engaged', 'abandoned') AS session_type, COUNT(*) AS num_serp FROM `mozdata.firefox_desktop.serp_events` GROUP BY 1

Number of SERP impressions with ads loaded:

SELECT num_ads_loaded > 0 AS has_ads_loaded, COUNT(*) AS num_serp FROM `mozdata.firefox_desktop.serp_events` GROUP BY 1

Number of SERP impression-level ad impressions and clicks

SELECT COUNT(*) as num_with_ad_impression, COUNTIF(num_ad_clicks > 0) as num_with_ad_click, FROM `mozdata.firefox_desktop.serp_events` WHERE num_ads_visible > 0

Proportion of loaded ads that are visible, by search engine & component:

SELECT search_engine, component, SAFE_DIVIDE(SUM(num_visible), SUM(num_loaded)) as prop_visible FROM `mozdata.firefox_desktop.serp_events`, UNNEST(ad_components) GROUP BY 1, 2 ORDER BY 1, 2

Number of SERP impressions with ads loaded and an ad blocker in use:

SELECT ad_blocker_inferred, COUNT(*) as num_serp FROM `mozdata.firefox_desktop.serp_events` WHERE num_ads_loaded > 0 GROUP BY 1

Per-component ad impression and click-through rates, among sessions with ads showing:

SELECT component, SAFE_DIVIDE(SUM(num_visible), COUNT(DISTINCT impression_id)) AS ad_imp_rate, -- only count clicks when ads are visible SAFE_DIVIDE( COUNT(DISTINCT IF(num_clicks > 0, impression_id, NULL)), COUNT(DISTINCT impression_id) ) AS ad_ctr FROM `mozdata.firefox_desktop.serp_events`, UNNEST(ad_components) WHERE num_visible > 0 GROUP BY 1

Abandonment reason distribution:

SELECT abandon_reason, COUNT(*) AS num_serp FROM `mozdata.firefox_desktop.serp_events` WHERE abandon_reason IS NOT NULL GROUP BY 1

Number of SERP impressions with a shopping tab visible:

SELECT EXISTS( SELECT * FROM UNNEST(non_ad_impressions) AS x WHERE x.component = 'shopping_tab' AND x.num_elements_loaded > 0 ) AS has_shopping_tab, COUNT(*) AS num_serp FROM `mozdata.firefox_desktop.serp_events` GROUP BY 1

Column descriptions

The v2 table has 1 row per SERP impression, each representing a single page load of a SERP. Most columns contain impression-level properties. There are also 3 array-valued columns listing impressions and engagements by component.

impression_idUUID identifying SERP page loads. Use COUNT(DISTINCT impression_id) to count unique SERP impressions when CROSS JOIN UNNESTing the array-valued columns.
ping_seqping_info.seq from the events ping. Use together with event_timestamp for event sequencing.
event_timestampGlean event timestamp for the serp.impression event corresponding to the SERP page load.
is_shopping_pagetrue when the SERP is a shopping page, resulting from clicking on the "Shopping" tab; false otherwise.
is_privatetrue when the SERP was loaded while in Private Browsing Mode; false otherwise.
is_signed_intrue when the SERP was loaded while signed into a search provider account; false otherwise.
search_enginegoogle, bing, duckduckgo, ecosia (only these support SERP events currently).
sap_sourceHow the user arrived at the SERP [e.g. urlbar, follow_on_from_refine_on_SERP]. There are a number of cases where this will be unknown, e.g. clicking on a link that opens a new SERP, or clicking on a history result containing a SERP URL.
is_taggedWhether the search is tagged (true) or organic (false).
abandon_reasonWhy the SERP is deemed abandoned: tab_close, window_close, navigation, or null if not abandoned.
ad_componentsArray with 1 entry for each ad component which had either an impression or engagement, [] if none.
ad_components.componentSERP display component containing ad links [e.g. ad_link, ad_carousel].
ad_components.num_loadedNumber of ads loaded in the component. They may or may not be visible on the page, depending on ad blocking and the display properties of the component.
ad_components.num_visibleNumber of ads visible to the user in the component.
ad_components.num_blockedNumber of ads blocked by an ad blocker in the component.
ad_components.num_notshowingNumber of ads in the component which are loaded but not visible, and not blocked by an ad blocker. For example, ads in the carousel that will be shown on clicking the "Expand" button.
ad_components.num_clicksNumber of clicks on ad links in the component.
ad_components.num_other_engagementsNumber of engagements in the component which are not ad clicks. E.g. clicking "Expand" for the carousel.
ad_components.blocker_inferredtrue if all loaded ads are blocked, in which case we infer an ad blocker is in use in the component; false otherwise. Note that the same SERP impression can have blocker_inferred = true for some ad components and false for others.
non_ad_engagementsArray with 1 entry for each non-ad component (which had an engagement) and engagement action, [] if none.
non_ad_engagements.componentSERP display component not containing ad links [e.g. non_ads_link, shopping_tab].
non_ad_engagements.actionEngagement action taken in the component.
non_ad_engagements.num_engagementsNumber of engagements of that action type taken in the component.
non_ad_impressionsArray with 1 entry for each non-ad component which had an impression, [] if none.
non_ad_impressions.componentSERP display component not containing ad links [e.g. shopping_tab, refined_search_buttons].
non_ad_impressions.num_elements_loadedNumber of instrumented elements loaded in the component. They may or may not be visible on the page, depending on ad blocking and the display properties of the component. For many non-ad components this will be either 0 or 1.
non_ad_impressions.num_elements_visibleNumber of instrumented elements visible to the user in the component.
non_ad_impressions.num_elements_blockedNumber of instrumented elements blocked by an ad blocker in the component.
non_ad_impressions.num_elements_notshowingNumber of instrumented elements in the component which are loaded but not visible, and not blocked by an ad blocker.
num_ad_clicksTotal number of clicks on links in ad components for the SERP page load.
num_non_ad_link_clicksTotal number of clicks on organic result links (non_ads_link target) for the SERP page load.
num_other_engagementsTotal number of engagements for the SERP page load which are neither ad clicks nor organic link clicks. These include expanded actions on the ad_carousel component, as well as clicks or other engagement actions on non-ad components.
num_ads_loadedTotal number of ads loaded in ad components for the SERP page load. They may or may not be visible on the page, depending on ad blocking and the display properties of the page.
num_ads_visibleTotal number of ads visible to the user in ad components for the SERP page load.
num_ads_blockedTotal number of ads blocked by an ad blocker in ad components for the SERP page load.
num_ads_notshowingTotal number of ads which are loaded but not visible, and not blocked by an ad blocker, for the SERP page load. For example, ads in the carousel that will be shown on clicking "Expand" button. Use this to count "ads that are available but not visible".
ad_blocker_inferredtrue if all loaded ads are blocked in at least one ad component, in which case we infer an ad blocker is in use on the SERP; false otherwise.


This dataset is scheduled on Airflow and updated daily.


The data is partitioned by submission_date.

Code reference

The derived table is generated from a templated query defined under bigquery_etl/sql_generators and accessible via its view.


This limit of 2 days was chosen as a trade-off between data completeness and lag time. A previous analysis showed that, even if we allow events for an impression ID to span up to 7 days, 99.5% of impression IDs only have events spanning 1 or 2 consecutive days.