
The and telemetry.events_1pct derived datasets make it easier to analyze the desktop Firefox event ping. It has the following advantages over accessing the raw ping table (telemetry.event):

  • There is no need to UNNEST the events column: this is already done for you.
  • You don't have to know which process type emitted your event. If you care, you can query the event_process column.
  • It is clustered on the event_category column, which can dramatically speed up your query.

Data Reference

The events dataset contains one row for each event submitted in an event ping for that day.

The timestamp, category, method, object, value, and extra fields of the event are mapped to columns named event_timestamp, event_category, event_method, event_object, event_string_value, and event_map_values. To access the event_map_values, you can use the UDF, like SELECT, "branch") AS branch FROM

Please note that event_timestamp refers to the time in milliseconds when the event was recorded relative to the main process start time (session_start_time), while the timestamp column refers to the time the ping was ingested. event_timestamp is useful for determining relative order of events within a single session. Adding event_timestamp to session_start_time will allow you to approximate the absolute time an event occurred, subject to client clock skew and other factors.

Sample of events: telemetry.events_1pct

The telemetry.events_1pct table is a consistent 1% sample from (sample_id = 0) that includes 6 months of history. Using the sampled table can be faster than hitting, particularly when iterating on a prototype query.

BigQuery is also better able to estimate the amount of data it will scan when querying events_1pct, so queries on events_1pct may be able to succeed where the equivalent query on events with a sample_id = 0 filter would be rejected due to the query appearing to scan many TB of data.

Example Query

This query gets the count of the number of times the user initiated the dismiss_breach_alert and learn_more_breach actions. Note the use of the event_category to optimize the query: for this example, this reduces the amount of data scanned from 450 GB to 52 MB.

SELECT countif(event_method = 'dismiss_breach_alert') AS n_dismissing_breach_alert, countif(event_method = 'learn_more_breach') AS n_learn_more FROM WHERE event_category = 'pwmgr' AND submission_date='2020-04-20' AND sample_id=0



The events dataset is updated daily. The job is scheduled on Airflow. The DAG is defined in dags/

Code Reference

This dataset is generated by BigQuery ETL. The query that generates the dataset is sql/moz-fx-data-shared-prod/telemetry_derived/event_events_v1/query.sql.

More Information

Firefox has an API to record events, which are then submitted through the event ping. The format and mechanism of event collection in Firefox is documented in the Firefox source documentation.

The full events data pipeline is documented in the event pipeline documentation.