Sending a Custom Ping

Got some new data you want to send to us? How in the world do you send a new ping? Follow this guide to find out.

Note: Most new data collection in Firefox via Telemetry or Glean does not require creating a new ping document type. To add a histogram, scalar, or event collection to Firefox, please see the documentation on adding a new probe.

Write Your Questions

Do not try and implement new pings unless you know specifically what questions you're trying to answer. General questions about "How do users use our product?" won't cut it - these need to be specific, concrete asks that can be translated to data points. This will also make it easier down the line as you start data review.

More detail on how to design and implement new pings for Firefox Desktop can be found here.

Choose a Namespace and DocType

Choose a namespace that uniquely identifies the product that will be generating the data. The telemetry namespace is reserved for pings added by the Firefox Desktop Telemetry team.

The DocType is used to differentiate pings within a namespace. It can be as simple as event, but should generally be descriptive of the data being collected.

Both namespace and DocType are limited to the pattern [a-z-]. In other words, hyphens and lowercase letters from the ISO basic Latin alphabet.

Create a Schema

Write a JSON Schema. See the "Adding a new schema" documentation and examples schemas in the Mozilla Pipeline Schemas repo. This schema is used to validate the incoming data; any ping that doesn't match the schema will be removed. This schema will also be transformed into a BigQuery table schema via the Mozilla Schema Generator. Note that parquet schemas are no longer necessary because of the generated schemas. Validate your JSON Schema using a validation tool.

Start a Data Review

Data review for new pings is often more complicated than adding new probes. See Data Review for Focus-Event Ping as an example. Consider where the data falls under the Data Collection Categories.

Submit Schema to mozilla-services/mozilla-pipeline-schemas

Create a pull request including both a template and rendered schema to mozilla-pipeline-schemas. Add at least one validation ping that exercises the structure of schema as a test. These pings are validated during the build and help catch mistakes during the writing process.

Example: A rendered schema for response times

Imagine we want to collect a set of response measurements in milliseconds on a per-client basis. The pings take on the following shape:

{"id": "08317b11-85f7-4688-9b35-48af10c3ccdf", "clientId": "1d5ce2fc-a554-42f0-ab21-2ad8ada9bb88", "payload": {"response_ms": 324}} {"id": "a97108ac-483b-40be-9c64-3419326f5113", "clientId": "3f1b2e1c-c241-464f-aa46-576f5795e488", "payload": {"response_ms": 221}} {"id": "b8a7e3f9-38c0-4a13-b42a-c969feb454f6", "clientId": "14f27409-5f6f-46e0-9f9d-da5cd716ee42", "payload": {"response_ms": 549}}

This document can be described in the following way:

{ "$schema": "", "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "type": "string", "description": "The document identifier" }, "clientId": { "type": "string", "description": "The client identifier" }, "payload": { "type": "object", "properties": { "response_ms": { "type": "integer", "minimum": 0, "description": "Response time of the client, in milliseconds" } } } } }

Fields like id and clientId have template components as part of the build-system. These would be included as @TELEMETRY_ID_1_JSON@ and @TELEMETRY_CLIENTID_1_JSON@ respectively. The best way to become familiar with template schemas is to browse the repository; the telemetry/main/main.4.schema.json document a good starting place.

As part of the automated deployment process, the JSON schemas are translated into a table schema used by BigQuery. These schemas closely reflect the schemas used for data validation.

[ { "mode": "NULLABLE", "name": "clientId", "type": "STRING" }, { "mode": "NULLABLE", "name": "id", "type": "STRING" }, { "fields": [ { "mode": "NULLABLE", "name": "response_ms", "type": "INT64" } ], "mode": "NULLABLE", "name": "payload", "type": "RECORD" } ]

Ingestion Metadata

The generated schemas contain metadata added to the schema before deployment to the ingestion service. These are fields added to the ping at ingestion time; they might come from the URL submitted to the edge server, or the IP Address used to make the request. This document lists available metadata fields for the telemetry-ingestion pings, which are largely shared across all namespaces.

A list of metadata fields are included here for reference, but refer to the above document or the schema explorer for an up-to-date list of metadata fields.

additional_propertiesA JSON string containing any payload properties not present in the schema
document_idThe document ID specified in the URI when the client sent this message
normalized_app_nameSet to "Other" if this message contained an unrecognized app name
normalized_channelPossible values: release, esr, beta, aurora, nightly, or Other when this message contained an unrecognized channel name
normalized_country_codeAn ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
normalized_osPossible values: Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, or Other when this message contained an unrecognized OS name
sample_idHashed version of client_id (if present) useful for partitioning; ranges from 0 to 99
submission_timestampTime when the ingestion edge server accepted this message
metadata.header.dateDate HTTP header
metadata.header.dntDNT (Do Not Track) HTTP header
metadata.header.x_debug_idX-Debug-Id HTTP header
metadata.header.x_pingsender_versionX-PingSender-Version HTTP header
metadata.geo.cityCity name
metadata.geo.countryAn ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code
metadata.geo.db_versionThe specific Geo database version used for this lookup
metadata.geo.subdivision1First major country subdivision, typically a state, province, or county
metadata.geo.subdivision2Second major country subdivision; not applicable for most countries
metadata.isp.db_versionThe specific ISP database version used for this lookup
metadata.isp.nameThe name of the Internet Service Provider
metadata.isp.organizationThe name of a specific business entity when available; otherwise the ISP name

Testing The Schema

For new data, use the edge validator to test your schema.


Schemas are automatically deployed once a day around 00:00 UTC, scheduled after the probe scraper in the following Airflow DAG. The latest schemas can be viewed at mozilla-pipeline-schemas/generated-schemas.

Start Sending Data

Use the built-in Telemetry APIs when possible. A few examples are the Gecko Telemetry APIs, or the iOS Telemetry APIs.

Users on Android should use Glean, which does not require building out custom pings.

For all other use-cases, send documents to the ingestion endpoint:

See the HTTP edge server specification for documentation about the expected format.

Access Your Data

First confirm with the reviewers of your schema pull request that your schemas have been deployed. You may also check the diff of the latest commit to mozilla-pipeline-schemas/generated schemas.

In the following links, replace <namespace>, <doctype> And <docversion> with appropriate values. Also replace - with _ in <namespace> if your namespace contains - characters.

STMO / BigQuery

In the Telemetry (BigQuery) data source, several new tables will be created for your data.

The first table is the live table found under moz-fx-data-shared-prod.<namespace>_live.<doctype>_v<docversion>. This table is updated on a 5 minute interval, partitioned on submission_timestamp, and may contain partial days of data.

SELECT count(*) AS n_rows FROM `moz-fx-data-shared-prod.telemetry_live.main_v4` WHERE submission_timestamp > TIMESTAMP_SUB(current_timestamp, INTERVAL 30 minute)

The second table that is created is the stable clustered table (and corresponding view) under moz-fx-data-shared-prod.<namespace>.<doctype>. This view will only contain complete days of submissions. The data is clustered by normalized_channel and sample_id to improve the efficiency of queries.

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT client_id)*100 AS dau FROM `moz-fx-data-shared-prod.telemetry.main` WHERE submission_timestamp > TIMESTAMP_SUB(current_timestamp, INTERVAL 1 day) AND sample_id = 1

This table may take up to a day to appear in the BigQuery source; if you still don't see a table for your new ping after 24 hours, contact Data Operations so that they can investigate. Once the table is available, it should contain all the pings sent during that first day, regardless of how long it takes for the table to appear.


Refer to the Spark notes for details on accessing the data via Spark.

Build Dashboards Using Spark or STMO

Last steps! What are you using this data for anyway?