Normalizing Browser Version Data

This how-to guide is about getting numerical browser version data in your Looker Explores, Looks and Dashboards:

This guide only has one step: Normalizing Version Strings

⚠️ Some steps in this guide require knowledge of SQL - ask in #data-help for assistance if needed.

Many of our data sources (particularly browser telemetry) have version_id's: A string that (most of the time) looks like "99.1.0" in the format "major.minor.patch".

⚠️ In SQL you might be tempted to compare these version identifiers. This might however, return misleading results! "99" > "100" but 99 < 100. Note the string vs number comparison.

Step One - Normalizing Version Strings

In your view.sql file, locate the browser version identifier. In many tables/views, this is called app_version.

To extract the numerical version data you have two options:

1. The truncate version UDF - truncate_version

This extracts the major or minor version from the version identifier. See the Mozfun Docs for a detailed description.

Modify your view.sql:

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW `project.dataset.view` AS SELECT *, `mozfun.norm.truncate_version`(app_version, "major") as major_browser_version -- <--- New Line FROM `project.dataset_derived.table`

major_version will be added as a new field containing the numerical major browser version.

2. The browser version info UDF - browser_version_info

This extracts a number of useful fields from the version identifier. See the Mozfun Docs for a detailed description.

Modify your view.sql:

CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW `project.dataset.view` AS SELECT *, `mozfun.norm.browser_version_info`(app_version) as browser_version_info -- <--- New Line FROM `project.dataset_derived.table`

browser_version_info will be added as a new struct field containing numerical version fields and other useful metadata.

After choosing an option, open a Pull Request (for example) and get a review. Once your change is merged, the updated field will be available in Looker once the lookml-generator runs (usually by the next calendar day, or by manually running it on Airflow).