Urlbar Events

Table of Contents


The urlbar_events table, derived from Glean urlbar events, provides a data source for understanding user interactions with the urlbar and search. Its structure and fields are designed around the notion of urlbar search sessions. This data is Desktop-only.

Urlbar search sessions

A urlbar search session is a sequence of interactions with the urlbar, starting from when the urlbar receives focus, and ending when the user navigates to a new page or focuses outside of it, causing the result panel to close. In this context, search means using the urlbar to search for a page, not specifically using a search engine.

The following diagram shows the user interaction flow through a search session. The most common case ("user types a query and clicks on a result") is shown with bold arrows. Unusual cases are shown with dotted lines.

paste & go
zero prefix
panel closes
panel stays open
search mode
Urlbar receives focus
Initial results displayed
User types character

Results update
User takes
event action
Selects result
Focus outside of urlbar
Selects result option
Urlbar loses focus

Result panel closes

A search session includes one or more event actions taken by the user, usually in response to the results that are displayed. There are 3 types of event action:

  • Engaged: the user selects a result. This includes pressing Enter after typing, which has the effect of selecting the first result.
  • Abandoned: the user focuses outside of the urlbar without selecting a result.
  • Annoyance: the user selects an auxiliary option associated with a result, e.g. Dismiss in the meatball menu.

The search session ends if the event action causes the panel to close, e.g. by navigating to a new page. Most search sessions see the user typing some characters and selecting a result, ending the session after one event action.

However, in some instances the event action leaves the panel open for further interaction, e.g. selecting the Dismiss annoyance signal. In such cases, the search session will contain multiple event actions. Also, in some search sessions, the user can take an event action without typing any characters or without results being displayed, e.g. using the Paste & Go context menu option.

An event action is called terminal if it causes the session to end. Whether or not an event action is terminal is determined a posteriori from its characteristics. For the complete logic on terminal event actions, see this code.


Measurement for search sessions is collected through Glean urlbar.engagement and urlbar.abandonment events, which record one event for each event action. (There is also a urlbar.impression event, but it is not currently used for data analysis).

These contain a snapshot of the urlbar state at the moment when the event action was taken, such as the types of results that were showing, and the result that was selected (if any). This means that we have information about the final set of results from which the user made a selection, but not the intermediate result sets shown on each keystroke.

A search session with multiple event actions will generate multiple Glean events. There is currently no "session ID" linking these together, as the majority of search sessions generate only 1 event, and the analytical focus is on counting occurrences rather than event sequences. Also, the events do not contain an indicator of whether they are terminal. This determination is made at ETL time based on the event contents.


This table summarizes key information about the 3 types of event action:

Event actionTerminal?Glean eventEvent extra fields of interest
  • Usually yes (e.g. clicking on a result)
  • Sometimes no (e.g. entering search mode)
  • Ordered list of displayed results: results
  • Selected result type: selected_result
  • Selected result position (1-indexed): selected_position
AbandonedYesurlbar.abandonmentOrdered list of displayed results: results
  • Sometimes yes (e.g. "Learn More")
  • Sometimes no (e.g. "Dismiss")
  • Ordered list of displayed results: results
  • Selected result type: selected_result
  • Selected result position (1-indexed): selected_position
  • Annoyance signal (the option selected for a result): engagement_type

Results, impressions and clicks

The primary use case for this data is calculating click and impression rates for different types of urlbar search results in order to answer Product questions. The Urlbar Events Looker explore is built on top of the urlbar_events table to serve this need.

The results and selected_result fields in the Glean event extras report "raw" result types, which are sometimes more granular than Product needs. Product has developed a mapping which translates these raw values into interpretable Product result types (e.g. "search suggestion"). All columns in the urlbar_events table containing raw result types (e.g. selected_result) have a corresponding Product version (e.g. product_selected_result) with the mapped values. If a raw result type does not map to any Product result type, the mapping returns other.

An impression is defined as a result that is showing in the result panel at event action time. This means:

  • We only consider 1 set of impressions per event action. As the user types characters, they will see intermediate result sets, as the result panel updates on each keystroke. However, these are currently not taken into account.
  • At event action time, there are usually multiple results showing, i.e. multiple impressions. Many impression sets have 10 impressions (the default number). The number of impressions shown on an event action is given in the num_total_results column.
  • An impression set may have multiple impressions of the same type. e.g. multiple search suggestions are usually surfaced for a typed query.

The ordered list of result impressions for each event action is given in the array-valued column results.

A click occurs when the user selects a result, i.e. taking an engaged event action.

  • We use this as standard terminology, even though the user may not have physically clicked a mouse.
  • The majority of clicks are terminal: they cause a page to be loaded and the search session to end. In a few rare cases, a click is not terminal.

The type of result selected is given in the selected_result/product_selected_result columns.

CTR can be computed in 2 ways for a given result type:

  1. num clicks / total num impressions
  2. num clicks / num search sessions with at least 1 such impression

We generally use (2.) for Product-focused analyses and experiments, including the Looker explore. For result types that have at most 1 impression per result set (e.g. navigational), these will be the same. For types that tend to have multiple impressions per result set (e.g. search suggestions), (1.) could be much lower than (2.).

An annoyance occurs when the user selects an option associated with a result, e.g. "Dismiss", without selecting the result itself. These are usually found in the meatball menu next to the displayed result. The annoyance_signal_type column gives the type of annoyance option that was selected, and selected_result/product_selected_result give the result type with which the annoyance is associated.

For more examples of previously used metrics, see the Firefox Suggest Jetstream outcome.

Urlbar events table

The mozdata.firefox_desktop.urlbar_events table contains 1 row for each Glean event (i.e. 1 row per event action) reported across all Desktop users.

As discussed above, most search sessions only have 1 associated row, but some have multiple. There is no session identifier linking rows associated with the same session (although it may be possible to infer such linkage from event sequencing). However, the is_terminal column indicates whether the event action was terminal. The event action type is listed in the event_action column.

Most of the Glean event extras fields are included in separate columns. Additionally:

  • The array-valued results column lists the ordered results showing at event action time. Each array element is a struct with result_type, product_result_type, position, and result_group.
  • selected_result, product_selected_result, selected_position give the selected result associated with an engagement or annoyance.
  • annoyance_signal_type gives the annoyance option selected, if any.
  • event_id is a row identifier UUID. This is mainly useful when unnesting the results column.
  • glean_client_id, seq (from the event's ping_info), event_timestamp can be used to build event sequences and interlace with SERP events.

This table summarizes the main column values associated with each event action:

Event actionevent_actionis_terminalselected_resultannoyance_signal_type
Engagedengagedtrue or falseselected_result from Glean engagement eventnull
Annoyanceannoyancetrue or falseselected_result from Glean engagement eventengagement_type from Glean engagement event


  • Each search session may have multiple associated rows. To count unique search sessions (the most common use case), condition on is_terminal = true.
  • To work with impressions, UNNEST the results column.

Example queries

To count number of search sessions:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `mozdata.firefox_desktop.urlbar_events` WHERE is_terminal

Engagement rate (proportion of search sessions ending with an engaged action):

SELECT COUNTIF(event_action = 'engaged') / COUNT(*) FROM `mozdata.firefox_desktop.urlbar_events` WHERE is_terminal

Impression rate for history (proportion of search sessions that ended with a history impression showing):

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT IF(r.product_result_type = 'history', event_id, NULL)) / COUNT(DISTINCT event_id) FROM `mozdata.firefox_desktop.urlbar_events`, UNNEST(results) AS r WHERE is_terminal

Number of clicks on a history result:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `mozdata.firefox_desktop.urlbar_events` WHERE is_terminal AND event_action = 'engaged' AND product_selected_result = 'history'

CTR for history (denominator is search sessions that had an impression, not number of impressions):

SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT IF(event_action = 'engaged' AND product_selected_result = 'history', event_id, NULL)) / COUNT(DISTINCT IF(r.product_result_type = 'history', event_id, NULL)) FROM `mozdata.firefox_desktop.urlbar_events`, UNNEST(results) AS r WHERE is_terminal

Number of result dismissals (annoyance):

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `mozdata.firefox_desktop.urlbar_events` WHERE event_action = 'annoyance' AND annoyance_signal_type = 'dismiss'

Column descriptions

Descriptions for relevant columns in the table are provided here.

(This will be moved to bigquery-etl in the future, but tables generated dynamically using sql_generators don't currently support schema.yaml.)

event_nameName of the urlbar Glean event represented by this row: engagement or abandonment
event_timestampGlean event timestamp
event_idRow identifier UUID. When unnesting the results column, use COUNT(DISTINCT event_id) to count events.
seqping_info.seq from the events ping. Use together with event_timestamp for event sequencing.
normalized_engineNormalized default search engine
pref_fx_suggestionsIs Firefox Suggest enabled (nonsponsored suggestions)?
pref_sponsored_suggestionsAre Firefox Suggest sponsored suggestions enabled?
pref_data_collectionHas the user opted into Firefox Suggest data collection, aka Suggest Online?
engagement_typeHow the user selected the result [e.g. click, enter]
interactionHow the user started the search action [e.g. typed, pasted]
num_chars_typedLength of the query string typed by the user
num_total_resultsNumber of results displayed
selected_positionRank of the selected result, starting from 1, if any
selected_resultRaw type identifier for the selected result, if any [e.g. search_suggest, bookmark]
product_selected_resultProduct type identifier for the selected result, if any [e.g. wikipedia_enhanced, default_partner_search_suggestion]
resultsArray listing info about each result displayed
results.positionDisplay rank of this result, starting from 1
results.result_typeRaw type identifier for this result
results.product_result_typeProduct type identifier for this result
results.result_groupResult group this result belongs to [e.g. heuristic, suggest]
event_actionEvent action: engaged, abandoned, or annoyance
is_terminalDid the event action cause the search session to end? Filter on is_terminal = TRUE to count unique search sessions.
engaged_result_typeRaw type identifier for the selected result, if any
product_engaged_result_typeProduct type identifier for the selected result, if any
annoyance_signal_typeAnnoyance option selected, if any. This uses the value of engagement_type when event_action is annoyance. [e.g. dismiss, help]


This dataset is scheduled on Airflow and updated daily.


The data is partitioned by submission_date.

Code reference

This table is generated from a templated query defined under bigquery_etl/sql_generators.