Non-Desktop Day 2-7 Activation


firefox_nondesktop_day_2_7_activation is designed for use in calculating the Day 2-7 Activation metric, a key result in 2020 for non-desktop products.


firefox_nondesktop_day_2_7_activation is a table with two key metrics: new_profiles and day_2_7_activated, aggregated over submission_date. It is derived from the non-desktop clients last seen table.

  • new_profiles: Unique count of client ids with a given profile creation date. As not all initial pings are received exactly on the day of profile creation, we wait for 7 days after the profile creation date before establishing the New Profile cohort to ensure the data is complete.
  • days_2_7_activated: Unique count of client ids who use the product at any point starting the day after they created a profile up to 6 days after. We also include a variety of dimension information (e.g. product, app_name, app_version, os, normalized_channel and country) to aggregate on.

This dataset is backfilled through 2017-01-01.

Accessing the Data

Access the data at moz-fx-data-shared-prod.telemetry.firefox_nondesktop_day_2_7_activation

Data Reference

Example Queries

This query gives the day 2-7 activation by product:

SELECT cohort_date, product, SUM(day_2_7_activated) as day_2_7_activated, SUM(new_profiles) as new_profiles, SAFE_DIVIDE(SUM(day_2_7_activated), SUM(new_profiles)) as day_2_7_activation FROM mozdata.telemetry.firefox_nondesktop_day_2_7_activation WHERE cohort_date = "2020-03-01" GROUP BY 1,2 ORDER BY 1



This dataset is scheduled on Airflow (source).


As of 2020-07-24, the current version of firefox_nondesktop_day_2_7_activation is v1, and has a schema as follows:

root |- submission_date: date |- product: string |- app_name: string |- app_version: string |- os: string |- normalized_channel: string |- country: string |- new_profiles: integer |- day_2_7_activated: integer

Code Reference

The firefox_nondesktop_day_2_7_activation job is defined in bigquery-etl.

Background and Caveats

Due to the delay in receiving all the initial pings and subsequent 7 day wait prior to establishing the new profile cohort, the table will lag nondesktop_clients_last_seen by 7 days.