Client Count Daily Reference

As of 2019-04-10, this dataset has been deprecated and is no longer maintained. Please use clients_last_seen instead. See Bug 1543518 for more information.


We've moved to calculating exact user counts based on clients_last_seen.


The client_count_daily dataset is useful for estimating user counts over a few pre-defined dimensions.

The client_count_daily dataset is similar to the deprecated client_count dataset except that is aggregated by submission date and not activity date.


This dataset includes columns for a dozen factors and an HLL variable. The hll column contains a HyperLogLog variable, which is an approximation to the exact count. The factor columns include submission date and the dimensions listed here. Each row represents one combinations of the factor columns.

Background and Caveats

It's important to understand that the hll column is not a standard count. The hll variable avoids double-counting users when aggregating over multiple days. The HyperLogLog variable is a far more efficient way to count distinct elements of a set, but comes with some complexity. To find the cardinality of an HLL use cardinality(cast(hll AS HLL)). To find the union of two HLL's over different dates, use merge(cast(hll AS HLL)). The Firefox ER Reporting Query (STMO#81) is a good example to review. Finally, Roberto has a relevant write-up here.

Accessing the Data

The data is available in STMO. Take a look at STMO#81.

Further Reading

Data Reference

Example Queries

Compute DAU for non-windows clients for the last week

WITH sample AS ( SELECT os, submission_date, cardinality(merge(cast(hll AS HLL))) AS count FROM client_count_daily WHERE submission_date >= DATE_FORMAT(CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '7' DAY, '%Y%m%d') GROUP BY submission_date, os ) SELECT os, -- formatting date as late as possible improves performance dramatically date_parse(submission_date, '%Y%m%d') AS submission_date, count FROM sample WHERE count > 10 -- remove outliers AND lower(os) NOT LIKE '%windows%' ORDER BY os, submission_date DESC

Compute WAU by Channel for the last week

WITH dau AS ( SELECT normalized_channel, submission_date, merge(cast(hll AS HLL)) AS hll FROM client_count_daily -- 2 days of lag, 7 days of results, and 6 days preceding for WAU WHERE submission_date > DATE_FORMAT(CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '15' DAY, '%Y%m%d') GROUP BY submission_date, normalized_channel ), wau AS ( SELECT normalized_channel, submission_date, cardinality(merge(hll) OVER ( PARTITION BY normalized_channel ORDER BY submission_date ROWS BETWEEN 6 PRECEDING AND 0 FOLLOWING )) AS count FROM dau ) SELECT normalized_channel, -- formatting date as late as possible improves performance dramatically date_parse(submission_date, '%Y%m%d') AS submission_date, count FROM wau WHERE count > 10 -- remove outliers AND submission_date > DATE_FORMAT(CURRENT_DATE - INTERVAL '9' DAY, '%Y%m%d') -- only days that have a full WAU


The hll column does not product an exact count. hll stands for HyperLogLog, a sophisticated algorithm that allows for the counting of extremely high numbers of items, sacrificing a small amount of accuracy in exchange for using much less memory than a simple counting structure.

When count is calculated over a column that may change over time, such as total_uri_count_threshold, then a client would be counted in every group where they appear. Over longer windows, like MAU, this is more likely to occur.


The data is partitioned by submission_date which is formatted as %Y%m%d, like 20180130.

As of 2018-03-15, the current version of the client_count_daily dataset is v2, and has a schema as follows:

root |-- app_name: string (nullable = true) |-- app_version: string (nullable = true) |-- country: string (nullable = true) |-- devtools_toolbox_opened: boolean (nullable = true) |-- e10s_enabled: boolean (nullable = true) |-- hll: binary (nullable = true) |-- locale: string (nullable = true) |-- normalized_channel: string (nullable = true) |-- os: string (nullable = true) |-- os_version: string (nullable = true) |-- top_distribution_id: string (nullable = true) |-- total_uri_count_threshold: integer (nullable = true)