Socorro Crash Reports


Public crash statistics for Firefox are available through the Data Platform in a socorro_crash dataset. The crash data in Socorro is sanitized and made available to STMO. A nightly import job converts batches of JSON documents into a columnar format using the associated JSON Schema.

Data Reference


The dataset can be queried using SQL. For example, we can aggregate the number of crashes and total up-time by date and reason.

SELECT crash_date, reason, count(*) as n_crashes, avg(uptime) as avg_uptime, stddev(uptime) as stddev_uptime, approx_percentile(uptime, ARRAY [0.25, 0.5, 0.75]) as qntl_uptime FROM socorro_crash WHERE crash_date='20180520' GROUP BY 1, 2



The job is schedule on a nightly basis on airflow. The dag is available under mozilla/telemetry-airflow:/dags/


The source schema is available on the mozilla-services/socorro GitHub repository. This schema is transformed into a Spark-SQL structure and serialized to parquet after transforming column names from camelCase to snake_case.

Code Reference

The code is a notebook in the mozilla-services/data-pipeline repository.