Error Aggregates Reference

As of 2019-11-21, this dataset has been deprecated and is no longer maintained. See Bug 1594112 for more information.


The error_aggregates_v2 table represents counts of errors counted from main and crash pings, aggregated every 5 minutes. It is the dataset backing the old mission control view, but may also be queried independently.


The error_aggregates_v2 table contains counts of various error measures (for example: crashes, "the slow script dialog showing"), aggregated across each unique set of dimensions (for example: channel, operating system) every 5 minutes. You can get an aggregated count for any particular set of dimensions by summing using SQL.

Experiment unpacking

It's important to note that when this dataset is written, pings from clients participating in an experiment are aggregated on the experiment_id and experiment_branch dimensions corresponding to what experiment and branch they are participating in. However, they are also aggregated with the rest of the population where the values of these dimensions are null. Therefore care must be taken when writing aggregating queries over the whole population - in these cases one needs to filter for experiment_id is null and experiment_branch is null in order to not double-count pings from experiments.

Accessing the data

You can access the data via STMO. Choose Athena and then select the telemetry.error_aggregates_v2 table.

Further Reading

The code responsible for generating this dataset is here.

Data Reference

Example Queries

Getting a large number of different crash measures across many platforms and channels (STMO#4769):

SELECT window_start, build_id, channel, os_name, version, sum(usage_hours) AS usage_hours, sum(main_crashes) AS main, sum(content_crashes) AS content, sum(gpu_crashes) AS gpu, sum(plugin_crashes) AS plugin, sum(gmplugin_crashes) AS gmplugin FROM error_aggregates_v2 WHERE application = 'Firefox' AND (os_name = 'Darwin' or os_name = 'Linux' or os_name = 'Windows_NT') AND (channel = 'beta' or channel = 'release' or channel = 'nightly' or channel = 'esr') AND build_id > '201801' AND window_start > current_timestamp - (1 * interval '24' hour) AND experiment_id IS NULL AND experiment_branch IS NULL GROUP BY window_start, channel, build_id, version, os_name

Get the number of main_crashes on Windows over a small interval (STMO#51677):

SELECT window_start as time, sum(main_crashes) AS main_crashes FROM error_aggregates_v2 WHERE application = 'Firefox' AND os_name = 'Windows_NT' AND channel = 'release' AND version = '58.0.2' AND window_start > timestamp '2018-02-21' AND window_end < timestamp '2018-02-22' AND experiment_id IS NULL AND experiment_branch IS NULL GROUP BY window_start


Data sources

The aggregates in this data source are derived from main, crash and core pings:

  • crash pings are used to count/gather main and content crash events, all other errors from desktop clients (including all other crashes) are gathered from main pings
  • core pings are used to count usage hours, first subsession and unique client counts.


The error_aggregates job is run continuously, using the Spark Streaming infrastructure


The error_aggregates_v2 table has the following columns which define its dimensions:

  • window_start: beginning of interval when this sample was taken
  • window_end: end of interval when this sample was taken (will always be 5 minutes more than window_start for any given row)
  • submission_date_s3: the date pings were submitted for a particular aggregate
  • channel: the channel, like release or beta
  • version: the version e.g. 57.0.1
  • display_version: like version, but includes beta number if applicable e.g. 57.0.1b4
  • build_id: the YYYYMMDDhhmmss timestamp the program was built, like 20160123180541. This is also known as the build ID or buildid
  • application: application name (e.g. Firefox or Fennec)
  • os_name: name of the OS (e.g. Darwin or Windows_NT)
  • os_version: version of the OS
  • architecture: build architecture, e.g. x86
  • country: country code for the user (determined using geoIP), like US or UK
  • experiment_id: identifier of the experiment being participated in, such as, null if no experiment or for unpacked rows (see Experiment unpacking)
  • experiment_branch: the branch of the experiment being participated in, such as control or experiment, null if no experiment or for unpacked rows (see Experiment unpacking)

And these are the various measures we are counting:

  • usage_hours: number of usage hours (i.e. total number of session hours reported by the pings in this aggregate, note that this might include time where people are not actively using the browser or their computer is asleep)
  • count: number of pings processed in this aggregate
  • main_crashes: number of main process crashes (or just program crashes, in the non-e10s case)
  • startup_crashes : number of startup crashes
  • content_crashes: number of content process crashes (version => 58 only)
  • gpu_crashes: number of GPU process crashes
  • plugin_crashes: number of plugin process crashes
  • gmplugin_crashes: number of Gecko media plugin (often abbreviated GMPlugin) process crashes
  • content_shutdown_crashes: number of content process crashes that were caused by failure to shut down in a timely manner (version => 58 only)
  • browser_shim_usage_blocked: number of times a CPOW shim was blocked from being created by browser code
  • permissions_sql_corrupted: number of times the permissions SQL error occurred (beta/nightly only)
  • defective_permissions_sql_removed: number of times there was a removal of defective permissions.sqlite (beta/nightly only)
  • slow_script_notice_count: number of times the slow script notice count was shown (beta/nightly only)
  • slow_script_page_count: number of pages that trigger slow script notices (beta/nightly only)