Search metrics

Search metrics are delivered in main pings and often reflect usage over the course of many previous hours, so there is inherent delay. The delay makes it more reasonable to call introday search metrics instead of almost real-time search metrics.

Below is the query to give the hourly sap search metrics per each major search engine since the start of current day in CA from telemetry_live.

SELECT DATE_TRUNC(submission_timestamp, HOUR) AS submission_hour, `moz-fx-data-shared-prod.udf.normalize_search_engine`(split(key,".")[offset(0)]) as normalized_engine, sum(mozfun.hist.`extract`(value).`sum`) AS searches FROM `moz-fx-data-shared-prod.telemetry_live.main_v4`, UNNEST(payload.keyed_histograms.search_counts) AS sc WHERE DATE(submission_timestamp) >= date_trunc(current_date(), DAY) AND submission_timestamp < TIMESTAMP_TRUNC(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP(), HOUR) AND = 'CA' GROUP BY 1,2 ORDER BY 1,2

You can include any other fields that might be of interest to you.