Querying BigQuery Tables

Table of Contents

Projects, Datasets, and Tables in BigQuery

In GCP a project enables you to organize cloud resources. Mozilla uses multiple projects to maintain BigQuery datasets.

Note: The term dataset has historically been used to describe a set of records that all follow the same schema, but this idea corresponds to a table in BigQuery. In BigQuery terminology, datasets represent top-level containers that are used to organize and control access to tables and views.


  • Each derived table is exposed by a view in the mozdata project and in many cases, these views apply additional filters or business logic. For this reason, the best practice is to always query the views instead of directly querying the underlying table(s).
  • Most tables are partitioned by date and you can scan much less data by filtering on the partition field (usually submission_timestamp or submission_date). These dates are always in UTC.
  • Unqualified queries can become very costly very easily. Restrictions have been placed on large tables to avoid accidental querying "all data for all time". You must use the date partition fields for large tables (like main_summary or clients_daily).
  • Read the Query Optimization Cookbook that includes recommendations on how to reduce cost and improve query performance.
  • STMO BigQuery data sources have a 10 TB data-scanned limit for each query. Let us know if this becomes an issue.
  • There is not any native map support available in BigQuery. Instead, structs are used with fields [key, value]. Convenience functions are available to access the like key-value maps, as described below.

Projects with BigQuery datasets

mozdataThe primary home for user analysis; it has a short name that is easy to type and is filled with views that reference underlying tables in moz-fx-data-shared-prod; the default project for STMO and Looker
analysisUser-generated tables for analysis; please prefix tables with your username
tmpUser-generated tables for ephemeral analysis results; tables created here are automatically deleted after 7 days.
telemetryViews into legacy desktop telemetry pings and many derived tables; see user-facing (unsuffixed) datasets below
<namespace>See user-facing (unsuffixed) datasets below
searchSearch data imported from parquet (restricted)
staticStatic tables, often useful for data-enriching joins
udfInternal persistent user-defined functions defined in SQL; see Using UDFs
udf_jsInternal user-defined functions defined in JavaScript; see Using UDFs
mozfunThe primary home for user-defined functions; see Using UDFs
moz-fx-data-bq-<team-name>Some teams have specialized needs and can be provisioned a team-specific project
moz-fx-data-shared-prodAll production data including full pings and derived datasets defined in bigquery-etl
<namespace>_liveSee live datasets below
<namespace>_stableSee stable datasets below
<namespace>_derivedSee derived datasets below
<product>_externalTables that reference external resources; these may be native BigQuery tables populated by a job that queries an third-party API, or they may be federated data sources that pull data from other GCP services like GCS at query time.
backfillTemporary staging area for back-fills
blpadiBlocklist ping derived data(restricted)
payload_bytes_rawRaw JSON payloads as received from clients, used for reprocessing scenarios, a.k.a. "landfill" (restricted)
payload_bytes_errorgzip-compressed JSON payloads that were rejected in some phase of the pipeline; particularly useful for investigating schema validation errors
tmpTemporary staging area for parquet data loads
validationTemporary staging area for validation
moz-fx-data-derived-datasetsLegacy project that was a precursor to mozdata
moz-fx-data-shar-nonprod-efedNon-production data produced by stage ingestion infrastructure

Table Layout and Naming

Under the single moz-fx-data-shared-prod project, each document namespace (corresponding to folders underneath the schemas directory of mozilla-pipeline-schemas) has four BigQuery datasets provisioned with the following properties:

  • Live datasets (telemetry_live, activity_stream_live, etc.) contain live ping tables (see definitions of table types in the next paragraph)
  • Stable datasets (telemetry_stable, activity_stream_stable, etc.) contain historical ping tables
  • Derived datasets (telemetry_derived, activity_stream_derived, etc.) contain derived tables, primarily populated via nightly queries defined in BigQuery ETL and managed by Airflow
  • User-facing (unsuffixed) datasets (telemetry, activity_stream, etc.) contain user-facing views on top of the tables in the corresponding stable and derived datasets.

The table and view types referenced above are defined as follows:

  • Live ping tables are the final destination for the telemetry ingestion pipeline. Dataflow jobs process incoming ping payloads from clients, batch them together by document type, and load the results to these tables approximately every five minutes, although a few document types are opted in to a more expensive streaming path that makes records available in BigQuery within seconds of ingestion. These tables are partitioned by date according to submission_timestamp and are also clustered on that same field, so it is possible to make efficient queries over short windows of recent data such as the last hour. They have a rolling expiration period of 30 days, but that window may be shortened in the future. Analyses should only use these tables if they need results for the current (partial) day.
  • Historical ping tables have exactly the same schema as their corresponding live ping tables, but they are populated only once per day (12:00:00am to 11:59:59pm UTC) via an Airflow job and have a 25 month retention period. These tables are superior to the live ping tables for historical analysis because they never contain partial days, they have additional deduplication applied, and they are clustered on sample_id, allowing efficient queries on a 1% sample of clients. It is guaranteed that document_id is distinct within each day of each historical ping table, but it is still possible for a document to appear multiple times if a client sends the same payload across multiple UTC days. Note that this requirement is relaxed for older telemetry ping data that was backfilled from AWS; approximately 0.5% of documents are duplicated in telemetry.main and other historical ping tables for 2019-04-30 and earlier dates.
  • Derived tables are populated by nightly Airflow jobs and are considered an implementation detail; their structure may change at any time at the discretion of the data platform team to allow refactoring or efficiency improvements.
    • Tables (unsuffixed) may contain client_id or other id-level columns, e.g. clients_daily_v6.
    • Tables without client_id-level information use the suffix _aggregates, e.g. addon_aggregates_v2 (https://github.com/mozilla/bigquery-etl/blob/main/sql/moz-fx-data-shared-prod/telemetry_derived/addon_aggregates_v2/metadata.yaml).
  • User-facing views are the schema objects that users are primarily expected to use in analyses. Many of these views correspond directly to an underlying historical ping table or derived table, but they provide the flexibility to hide deprecated columns or present additional calculated columns to users. These views are the schema contract with users and they should not change in backwards-incompatible ways without a version increase or an announcement to users about a breaking change.

Spark and other applications relying on the BigQuery Storage API for data access need to reference derived tables or historical ping tables directly rather than user-facing views. Unless the query result is relatively large, we recommend instead that users run a query on top of user-facing views with the output saved in a destination table, which can then be accessed from Spark.

Structure of Ping Tables in BigQuery

Unlike with the previous AWS-based data infrastructure, we don't have different mechanisms for accessing entire pings vs. "summary" tables. As such, there are no longer special libraries or infrastructure necessary for accessing full pings, rather each document type maps to a user-facing view that can be queried in STMO. For example:

  • "main" pings are accessible from view telemetry.main (see docs for faster-to-query tables)
  • "crash" pings are accessible from view telemetry.crash
  • "baseline" pings for the release version of Firefox for Android (Fenix) are accessible from view org_mozilla_firefox.baseline

All fields in the incoming pings are accessible in these views, and (where possible) match the nested data structures of the original JSON. Field names are converted from camelCase form to snake_case for consistency and SQL compatibility.

Any fields not present in the ping schemas are present in an additional_properties field containing leftover JSON. BigQuery provides functions for parsing and manipulating JSON data via SQL.

Later in this document, we demonstrate the use of a few Mozilla-specific functions that we have defined to allow ergonomic querying of map-like fields (which are represented as arrays of structs in BigQuery) and histograms (which are encoded as raw JSON strings).

Writing Queries

To query a BigQuery table you will need to specify the dataset and table name. It is good practice to specify the project however depending on which project the query originates from this is optional.

SELECT col1, col2 FROM `project.dataset.table` WHERE -- data_partition_field will vary based on table date_partition_field >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 1 MONTH)

An example query from Clients Last Seen Reference

SELECT submission_date, os, COUNT(*) AS count FROM mozdata.telemetry.clients_last_seen WHERE submission_date >= DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE, INTERVAL 1 WEEK) AND days_since_seen = 0 GROUP BY submission_date, os HAVING count > 10 -- remove outliers AND lower(os) NOT LIKE '%windows%' ORDER BY os, submission_date DESC

Check out the BigQuery Standard SQL Functions & Operators for detailed documentation.

Writing query results to a permanent table

You can write query results to a BigQuery table you have access via GCP BigQuery Console or GCP BigQuery API Access

  • For temporary experiments use mozdata.tmp (it will automatically be deleted after 7 days). For longer-lived results, use the mozdata.analysis dataset.
    • Prefix your table with your username. If your username is username@mozilla.com create a table with username_my_table.
  • See Writing query results documentation for detailed steps.

Writing results to GCS (object store)

If a BigQuery table is not a suitable destination for your analysis results, we also have a GCS bucket available for storing analysis results. It is usually Spark jobs that will need to do this.

  • Use bucket gs://mozdata-analysis/
    • Prefix object paths with your username. If your username is username@mozilla.com, you might store a file to gs://mozdata-analysis/username/myresults.json.

Creating a View

You can create views in BigQuery if you have access via GCP BigQuery Console or GCP BigQuery API Access.

  • Use the mozdata.analysis dataset.
    • Prefix your view with your username. If your username is username@mozilla.com create a table with username_my_view.
  • See Creating Views documentation for detailed steps.

Using UDFs

BigQuery offers user-defined functions (UDFs) that can be defined in SQL or JavaScript as part of a query or as a persistent function stored in a dataset. We have defined a suite of public persistent functions to enable transformations specific to our data formats, available in mozfun. UDFs used internally in moz-fx-data-shared-prod are available in datasets udf (for functions defined in SQL) and udf_js (for functions defined in JavaScript). Note that JavaScript functions are potentially much slower than those defined in SQL, so use functions in udf_js with some caution, likely only after performing aggregation in your query.

We document a few of the most broadly useful UDFs below, but you can see the full list of mozfun UDFs in https://mozilla.github.io/bigquery-etl and or UDFs with source code used within moz-fx-data-shared-prod in bigquery-etl/sql/moz-fx-data-shared-prod/udf and bigquery-etl/sql/moz-fx-data-shared-prod/udf_js.

Accessing map-like fields

BigQuery currently lacks native map support and our workaround is to use a STRUCT type with fields named [key, value]. We've created a UDF that provides key-based access with the signature: mozfun.map.get_key(<struct>, <key>). The example below generates a count per reason key in the event_map_values field in the telemetry events table for Normandy unenrollment events from yesterday.

SELECT mozfun.map.get_key(event_map_values, 'reason') AS reason, COUNT(*) AS EVENTS FROM telemetry.events WHERE submission_date = DATE_SUB(CURRENT_DATE(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) AND event_category='normandy' AND event_method='unenroll' GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC

Accessing histograms

We considered many potential ways to represent histograms as BigQuery fields and found the most efficient encoding was actually to leave them as raw JSON strings. To make these strings easier to use for analysis, you can convert them into nested structures using mozfun.hist.extract:

WITH extracted AS ( SELECT submission_timestamp, mozfun.hist.extract(payload.histograms.a11y_consumers) AS a11y_consumers FROM telemetry.main ) -- SELECT a11y_consumers.bucket_count, a11y_consumers.sum, a11y_consumers.range[ORDINAL(1)] AS range_low, udf.get_key(a11y_consumers.values, 11) AS value_11 FROM extracted WHERE a11y_consumers.bucket_count IS NOT NULL AND DATE(submission_timestamp) = "2019-08-09" LIMIT 10